How to do immigration?

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To begin with, we will need to obtain a passport.

How to get it?

There are two ways:

First method:go to the Alliance store and buy the page for 600 000 credits.

the Second way: Or you can get a passport by purchasing one of the premium sets – for example,”New World”.

Next, let's look at immigration rules!

1) town Hall level 16 or higher.
2) you Have enough passport pages. The number of pages required for immigration, is determined by your intended rating authorities in the selected realm.
3) All queues are empty.
4) Neither your city nor your troops will not fight.
5) You are not member of the Alliance.
6) Number of existing resources does not exceed the protection capabilities of your warehouse.
7) the Kingdom into which you are migrating must exist more than 120 days and not be part of the event "Kingdom against Kingdom" (KVK).

8) If the Kingdom — Imperium (top 32), they can only accept participants with a power of less than 35.

After that click on the to immigrate. If your request is for immigration to be successful, the game will restart automatically, and your city will appear in random location in the selected provinces.

How many passport pages?

depending on your intended rank, the required number of passports may vary.

Today on the Internet I found a table with more detailed information.

How to do immigration?
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