In a network there was many hours of recording the passage closed alpha Nioh 2

In a network there was many hours of recording the passage closed alpha Nioh 2

Yesterday, Team Ninja unexpectedly showed the first footage Nioh 2, and simultaneously announced and closed beta of the action role-playing, get on that only selected developers users.

Though the alpha was supposed to start only 25, may 24, the network has already appeared the passage, as some invitations to the players somehow got in advance.
For example, in this video, without comment, among other things, shows the character editor — Yes, in the second part you will create your character, rather than playing pre-written by developers, as in the first part:

it is Noteworthy that on YouTube among a small handful of clips from testing Nioh 2, many from Russian-speaking users. From these videos it becomes clear that the game will be Russian localization, but, like the original, only subtitles.

Well, the interesting thing: the recording of the broadcast of the Russian streamer — caution, video may contain some profanity.

the Official testing should begin may 24 and end — 2 June. The project is being developed only for PS4, but has no even approximate release dates.

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