The next Call of Duty will be a continuation of Modern Warfare?

The next Call of Duty will be a continuation of Modern Warfare?

on Thursday, four American athletes, NFL players, attended a private event where, according to them, they were able to try out the next part of the Call of Duty.

on Friday one of them, Marcus MARRIOTT, quarterback of the Tennessee, during the broadcast streamer Nickmercs dropped that the next Call of Duty will be the fourth part of Modern Warfare.

Earlier, on April 24, in the process of discussion, how can the new Call of Duty, one of the fans tweeted that "peed my pants if the new part of the series will be Modern Warfare". Robert Bowling, former creative Director of the Studio Infinity Ward, has advised the fan to "buy pants brown" that can be interpreted as an amusing confirmation of the development of the fourth part of Modern Warfare.

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